Wednesday, November 30

Grade 7 Science Review Questions

Your Unit Test on Ecosystems is Tuesday, Dec 6th.

To help you study, you should be doing the following review questions...

pg 79 #1-20
pg 80 #22-24
pg 81 # 26

You will have the entire Science period on Friday to work on these questions. You do not need to complete all of them by Friday.

Grade 8 Science TEST

Don't forget that your Cells Unit Test is on Monday, December 5th.

Grade 8 Language - Novel Study - The Giver

For homework tonight, you must complete a chapter summary for chapters 1-3. You should also have a list of new words for each chapter.

Looking ahead....

1. Write about three connections between the novel and the real world.
2. Write three open-ended questions about what you've read so far. Open-ended questions are questions that don't have one right answer and require more than a simple yes or no response.

Grade 6 Science

Complete "The Diversity of Living Things - The Process of Life Quiz" green worksheet.
Due Monday, Dec 5th.

Your Unit Test will be next week on Wednesday, Dec 7th.

Grade 6 and 7 language

Friday, Dec. 2nd - Spelling Test : non-perishable, affluent, achievement, alternative, initiative, sanitation, Sierra Leone, Ecuador, disease, opportunity, empowerment and self-sufficient

All words are related to the "Hot Topic" article we are working on for our magazines.

Monday, Dec. 5th - Final Draft of "Hot Topic" article due

Upcoming - Fact Sheet on Youth Homelessness will be due next week

Tuesday, November 29

Food Drive

I would like to thank all the students who brought in non-perishable food items over the past month. A huge amount of food was taken to a grateful local food bank this morning!

In particular, I would like to congratulate my own Grade 7s and Mr. Xavier's Grade 3/4s for donating the most food. I'm proud of you for stepping up for a worthy cause!

Grade 7s, your party will be tomorrow afternoon during the last two periods of the day. Enjoy!

Grade 7 Math Test - Bisecting Angles

We have been learning how to bisect angles using six different methods:
     i.   use a protractor
     ii.  use a Mira
     iii. fold your paper
     iv. use a straight-edge to create a rhombus
     v.  use a ruler to create an isosceles triangle
     vi. use a compass

Tomorrow the students will have to bisect three angles using three different methods, but they will not know which of the three methods they will have to use until the test.

Montreal Trip Info

Information has now gone home with all students about our trip to Montreal in early March 2012. Ideally we would like to get as many registrations as possible by this Friday (Dec. 2nd). The registration process is done online directly with EF Education Tours.

The website is and our tour number is 1142294.

After you register, you will be contacted by an EF representative to arrange for your payments. The initial deposit is $99. The remaining $341 is due in two payments by mid-January.

Please contact me, Mr. Marshall, at the school if you have any questions or concerns about the cost of the trip or the schedule of payments. There is some flexibility and we can find a solution that works for your family. We really want all of our grade 7 & 8 students to have this opportunity.

Monday, November 28

Presentation Today

Today, Mrs Ricketts, Mr Marshall and Ms. Smye's classes watched a very interesting and informative presentation on Youth Homelessness, Bullying, Abuse and Drugs. Please discuss the presentation with your parents when they ask you, "What did you do today at school?". They may be shocked when you answer them with something other than "nothing" ;-)

Grade 8 Science

MAJOR SCIENCE TEST on CELLS UNIT: Monday, December 5th. You will have 2 more 1.5hr classes to work on review sheets.


Don't forget to bring in your canned foods by tomorrow!! The class who brings in the greatest number of goods wins a pizza party!!

Wednesday, November 23

Grade 6-8 Girls Volleyball

Thursday after school practice has been cancelled and will be during lunch recess instead. Everyone is to check in with their lunch room supervisor and then head to the gym to eat their lunch. Those girls who go home for lunch, can come in to the gym when they return to school.

Also, next Tuesday morning practice is cancelled and will be held after school from 3:30-5:00pm instead.

Helping Your Child With Reading and Writing At Home


*Students should be reading a minimum of 1/2 hour each day.

*Students should read and be exposed to a variety of text types. These include; novels (fiction and non-fiction), short stories, poetry, comics, graphic novels, magazines, picture books, instruction manuals, newspaper articles, online articles, flyers, and posters just to name a few. Variety is key to improving language skills.

*Ask your child to read aloud to you. Should they have difficulty with a word, encourage them to sound it out. Let them try on their own first before giving them the correct pronunciation. Ask them to explain what more difficult words mean. They can give a synonym for the word, give the definition or tell you what they think the word means based on the context. If they are still unsure, have them look up the definition.

*Most importantly, students should be given the opportunity to discuss what they have read with someone. It is important that they share their ideas and interpretations and listen to what other people's opinions are about the text. Here are some meaningful questions to ask your child;
1) Tell me, in your own words what you read about (summarizing)
2) What do you think the main idea or lesson was?
3) Tell me about one of the characters in the text. What qualities do they have? Explain why you think they possess these qualities?
4) Did any part of the text remind you of another book you've read, a situation you or someone you know have experienced, or something that is going on in our local or global community?
5) How did the text make you feel? Why?
6) What part surprised you the most? Why?
7) What part would you change? Why?
8) What words/concepts were difficult for you to understand?
9) What was your favourite part? Why?
10) What is your favourite sentence, word, or picture and explain why you enjoyed it.

*Enourage your child to keep a journal. They can use this for creative writing, recording events of the day, or doing specific topics you give them. Always encourage them to re-read their entries and check for spelling and grammatical errors. They can also write the answers to some of the questions above in this journal. It is not necessary for you to correct every single mistake they make. It is more important that you focus on one aspect of their writing at a time. For example, spelling mistakes OR capital letters at the beginning of a sentence OR conjunctions.

*Should your child come home with no homework, these are activities that can be done in place of teacher-assigned work.

*Students would also benefit from choosing a newspaper article and reading and discussing it with the family a couple of times per week. This will not only help to develop better language skills, but give them a better sense of the world around them.

We hope this helps!!
The Grade 6, 7 & 8 Teachers

Grade 7 Science

Worksheets titled "Human Activity Can Change Ecosystems" will be due next Tuesday, November 29th. If you did not receive these worksheets due to being away, come and see me as soon as possible please.

Grade 6 Science

The "Heredity" worksheet must be completed for the next Science class (Monday, Nov. 28th).

Meetings for Parents Tonight

Notes were sent home a couple of days ago but just in case you didn't receive them, there is a Graduation Trip meeting tonight at T.W. at 6:30-7:00pm and a Parent Council Meeting from 7:00-8:00pm

Grade 8 Science - QUIZ and TEST

Plant cells, tissues and their functions QUIZ on FRIDAY. Please study the worksheet you were giving last week.

FINAL UNIT TEST on Cells and Cell Systems will be Monday, Dec 5th. You will be given a total of three science periods (80 min each) to work on review worksheets. These classes will provide a good opportunity to ask questions and seek clarification to concepts you don't understand.

Tuesday, November 22

Grade 6 and 7 language

THE FIRST DRAFT of your"Hot Topic" article for your magazine... is due Thursday, Nov. 24th. You need to bring it to class because we will be doing a lesson involving peer editing. Students need to have an introduction and a conclusion. Grade 7 students need 3 separate supporting details sections and grade 6 students need 2 separate sections.

Tuesday, November 15

Grade 8 Students

Please be reminded that the Wexford Info Night (Performing Arts) is tomorrow, Wed. Nov. 16th and the Visual Arts is on Thursday. Also, on Thursday, Nov 17th is the Victoria Park Info Night.

Grade 8 Language

Just a reminder that your language assignment is due tomorrow.

Grade 6 General Information

Forest Valley Trip on Friday, November 25th. Permission forms will go home ASAP.

Pizza Lunch changed - As we are going to Forest Valley on a pizza lunch date, our new date for this month for will be Thurs. Nov. 24th.

Progress Report envelopes - Please send the envelope back to school ASAP. We will use the same envelope all year to conserve paper and do our part for the environment.

Thank you.

Grade 8 Science

-Read page 62, 65, 66 in text and answer #7 on pg 68
-Read pg 69-71 and explain your understanding of gas exchange in a well-written paragraph.

Due: Thursday, November 17th.

Special Thanks

Thanks to Jessica and Lyba for washing the boards after school today...Michael, you are slacking on your duty!! :)

Monday, November 14


Just a reminder that the Victoria Park and Wexford info nights are this week on Wednesday and Thursday. Please see previous post (last week) for more details.

Grade 8 Art

Your "One Point Perspective" art work is due tomorrow. That means, the piece you did with Mr. Cooper, and the second one that you did on your own, should be handed in at the beginning of the art class tomorrow, Tuesday, November 15th.

Thursday, November 10

Gr. 7 Info

Please remember to wear black pants and a white shirt tomorrow for the Remembrance Day Assembly performance. A donation of $1 for a poppy would also be appreciated.

Any Scholastic orders are due to Mr. Marshall by Thursday, November 17th.

The school is currently conducting a Food Bank collection. Any non-perishable food items that you would like to donate are being collected at the school until November 29th, when it will all be taken to a food bank to help out those who are less fortunate than ourselves.

Gr. 8 Math Quiz - Unit Conversions

You have a quiz tomorrow on the unit conversion staircase that we learned in class. You are responsible for conversions up or down the staircase for linear, area (square) and volume (cubic) measurements.

Gr. 7 Math Quiz Retake

For those students who would like to improve their mark for the unit conversions quiz, there is a retake tomorrow. You have to know conversions for linear and area measurements, just like last time.

Gr. 6 Math Quiz - Unit Conversions

You have a quiz tomorrow on the unit conversion staircase that we have been using in class. You must know how to convert from the larger units to the smaller units.

Grade 7 Science Homework

Complete pg 56 "5.5 Check Your Progress" #1-5
DUE: Monday, Nov 14th


The following high school info nights are coming up....

1) Victoria Park (including I.B. program) - Thursday, November 17th, 2011 @ 7:00pm

2) Wexford (Performing Arts Program) - Wednesday, November 16th, 2011 @ 7:00pm

3) Wexford (Visual Arts Program) - Thursday, November 17th, 2011 @ 7:00pm

PLEASE NOTE: Thursday, November 17th is also Parent/Teacher interview night at T.W. If you are scheduled for an interview that conflicts with the info night, PLEASE GO TO THE HIGH SCHOOL INFO NIGHT INSTEAD!!! We can re-schedule an interview time for the following week, or do a phone interview.

Wednesday, November 9

Grade 6 Health Unit Menus

The health menus are due on Friday, November 11th. Your menu should include a listing of the food you would eat for one day (3 meals + snacks). You need to use the Canada Food Guide to include the serving information for you age group. Your menu should include colour and pictures. We have had 3 periods in class to work on this assignment.

Grade 8 History Fact Sheet on an Influential Individual

Fact Sheets are due : Friday, November 11th. We had 2 classroom periods in the computer lab to work on this assignment. Please read the rubric on the orange coloured instruction sheet for assignment criteria.

Friday, November 4

Gr. 7 Math - Venn diagram shapes

1. Place the shapes you were given in the correct section of the Venn diagram that you drew in class. Explain why the Venn diagram is organized the way that it is. (e.g. why is the trapezoid section separate from the parallelograms? why do the squares go in an overlapped section? etc.)

2. How could you change a rectangle or parallelogram to make it into a trapezoid?

Grade 7 - 8 Health Homework

Just a reminder to look for old/used magazines that you can bring into the classroom for our health collages for next Wednesday, November 9th.

Grade 8 Language assignment

You are not required to work on your assignment this weekend. I have booked 6 computer/library timeslots for next week just for this assignment. If you use your class time wisely, you should not need to work on the research portion, or the rough draft at home. However, editing final copies and finishing touches may need to be done at home the weekend before it is due. Due date is November 16th.

Interview Forms

Please return the completed interview forms by Monday, November 7th.

Grade 6 Science

Complete both worksheets on Classifying Vertebrates. Due: Tuesday, November 8th.

Gr. 8 Math - Circle Test

You have your test on circles on Monday, Nov. 7th.
You will be tested on the parts of a circle, circumference and area of a circle.
The following pages can be reviewed or studied for the test if you need more information than what you have in your notes:
Circles - pages 239-240
Circumference - pages 242-243
Area - pages 247-249
There is also a review test on page 252.

Gr. 6 Math - Triangles & Parallelograms

You are to complete the triangle area problems that we started in class from your textbook: page 357, questions 5, 6 and 7.

You also have the question given by Mr. Seeva which was: Draw 2 rectangles (using a ruler!!) and then convert them to parallelograms using the 2 methods we used in class today.

Wednesday, November 2

Grade 7-8 Health

Each student will need to bring in 1 used magazine (fashion, house and home, sports, gardening, ect.) in order to complete our "Body Image and the Media" collages.
Please bring them in for next Health class (Wednesday, Nov 9th)

Grade 8 Language Assignment

Explanation Text Assignment - DUE DATE: Wednesday, November 16th.

You will be submitting your explanation text in one of the following formats; poster, pamphlet, guide, news article, brochure, or website. Everything MUST BE TYPED!!

1) You must have a minimum of 3 well written paragraphs (description, location, facts/explanations)
2) Each paragraph must have an original subheading.
3) Paragraphs must;
-get increasingly complex
-have descriptive words and action verbs
-correct spelling, grammar and writing conventions
-be written in present tense
-be in logical order
-be in your own words!!!!!
4)Minimum of 5 facts
5)Pictures (minimum of 1) must have captions
6)Definitions/new terminology
7)Text boxes
8) Minimum of 3 sources listed on your final product (one from a book/textbook, one from a website and one from a video or movie clip)

***** You will be given SEVERAL language periods to work on the computer and in the library to do research. The majority of this assignment should be done AT SCHOOL!!

Scientists in the School - Grade 8

We will be having the Scientists in the School on Thursday, November 3rd from 8:45-11:30am. Please try not to be absent on this day and arrive to school by 8:30am!!

Parent-Teacher Interviews

Parent-Teacher interview forms have been sent home. Please show them to your parents so they can request an interview time that is convenient for them. These forms are due back on Monday, November 7th. If the forms are not returned, your parents will be assigned a time based on the left over time slots, which may not be convenient for them.

PROGRESS REPORTS GO HOME - Monday, November 14th

INTERVIEW DAYS - Thursday, November 17th (3:30-8:30pm)
Friday, November 18th (8:00am-11:30am)

Tuesday, November 1

Gr. 7 Math - Conversion

In your own words, explain how to convert a measurement in mm (millimetres) to dam (dekametres).

Grade 6 and 7 language advertisment and advice column DUE Monday, Nov. 7th

Grade 6 and 7 students - Your advertisement and your advice column are due on Monday, Nov. 7th.

Advertisement success criteria includes: a catch phrase / slogan, target audience is for tweens (gr. 4 - 8), features that are found in an advertisement (examples: different fonts and sizes, colour, coupon, logo, endorsement by famous person etc.), effective use of space on the page, very neatly done

Advice column success criteria includes: problem is realistic for tween age group, problem is worded like a real problem in the advice columns we read in class, you have set up the page that provides peer comments using speak bubbles OR on lined paper to match the style for a magazine, you have edited your work for grammar and spelling