Thursday, March 29

Grade 6 Math - Mode, Median, Mean

Please complete questions 5 and 'Reflect' on page 175 of your text.

Grade 8 Math - Data Mgmt.

Please complete questions 3, 4, 5 and 7 on page 214 of your text.

Important Dates for all 6s, 7s and 8s!

Mon. April 3rd - Fri. April 13th: Mayhem Brothers are here to teach Hip Hop to grades 6, 7 & 8

Tue. April 3rd: ME2WE Bake Sale after school.

Wed. April 5th: ME2WE Talent Show audition at lunch in the gym.

Thur. April 5th: Grade 7s have 'Scientists in the School' all afternoon.

Fri.  April  6th:  No school...Good Friday.
Mon. April 9th: No school...Easter Monday

Tue. April 10th: Hep B and HPV shots
Tue. April 10th: Grade 7 Junior Achievement all day.

Wed. April 11th: Grade 6s have 'Scientists in the School' all afternoon.

Thur. April 12th: Co-ed Volleyball tourney (team will leave at noon)

Fri. April 13th: GRAD Photos... don't forget to wear a white collared shirt!!

Tue. April 17th: Co-ed Volleyball tourney (team will leave at approx. 8 a.m.)
Tue. April 17th: Badminton Tournament fundraiser after school (3:30 - 6:00 p.m.)

Fri. April 20th: Curling - Grade 8s in the a.m. and grade 7s in the p.m.

Mon. April 16th - Fri. April 20th: Free the Children/ME2WE 'Five Days For Freedom'


There will be two Ultimate Frisbee try-outs next week;

Monday, April 2nd at 7:30am-8:30am
Wednesday, April 4th at 7:30am-8:30am

Male and female students in grades 6-8 may try out.

*** You must return your completed permission form in order to attend the try-out.

Grade 6 Science TEST - Air and Flight

Your Air and Flight unit test will be on Tuesday, April 3rd.

Students have been given a review in class. We went over all the worksheets they should have, as well as recorded the chapters and pages in the text book they should be studying. We have also been making up "mock" tests in small groups in order to help the students study.

-Air and Flight Booklet ("The Wonders of Flight")
-A Field Guide to Common Aircraft
-Basic Movements of an Airplane (on the back of this sheet are "Fast Facts")

-Jot notes on the "Flight" video we watched in class (we watched this video twice in order to take proper jot notes)

-pages 1-16

Happy studying!!

Storyboard pages for the picture book - 6 and 7 language

Students have been given storyboard pages to complete for their picture books. These are pages for students to decide on the illustration and the words that will go on each page of the picture book. Storyboard pages are due: Monday, April 2nd.

Bowling for Rezza and Ricketts' class

Friday, March 30th - Bowling for Ricketts and Rezza's classes. FORMS MUST BE IN TOMORROW MORNING. If you paid for Albion Hills please only submit the form. Taking into account the Wexford and bowling trip, I will co-ordinate with the office to refund any money that is still owing back to families. Thanks.

Wednesday, March 28

Grade 6 French Homework

Grade 6 French
Please complete page 25 of your cahier.

Grade 6 Math - EQAO Sample Questions

The grade 6 students were given two handouts containing 5 questions about data management and graphing. These are taken from past EQAO tests and are an indication of the type of questions they will have on their EQAO test in early June. We will be taking up the questions tomorrow (Thursday).

Monday, March 26

Picture Book Story Outline - Gr. 6 and 7 language

Grade 6 and 7 language students have started planning for the creation of a children's picture book. We will write, illustrate and actually construct the hardcover book ourselves.

Outline of your picture book is due : Tuesday, March 27th

"The Hunger Games" inspired spelling list - Gr. 6 and 7 language

Okay ... I am into it too!! I'm currently on chapter 3 of "Mockingjay".

rebellion, starvation, metropolis, science fiction, post-apocalyptic, film adaptation, poignant, tributes, authoritarian leader, controversial, criticized, obsessed

Grade 7 History- Seigneurie Map

Your map of a New France seigneurie is due by the end of period 4 on Wednesday, March 27th. You are expected to fill the paper that I gave you. Everything that you would expect to find on a seigneurie and the individual habitant farms should be indicated in some way on the map. Think about the day to day lives of the Seigneur and the habitant families.
  • What would they need to have a successful, functioning farm through all the seasons of the year?
  • How many habitant farms might a Seigneur have on his land?
  • What might be needed on each farm? on the seigneurie?
  • What crops are they farming? Does that make a difference?
Above all, a map should be clear, neat, organized and easy to read.

Grade 7 Math - Data Mgmt.

You are to complete the following questions from the text:
pages 171-172, #2, 3 and 6

Grade 8 Math - Data Mgmt.

You are to complete the following questions from the text:
pages 213-215, #2a, 2c, 6 and 9

Friday, March 23

Grade 8 Math

You must complete any work you did not complete in class today. You were assigned question 1 on page 213. You were also given another graph to complete in class. I will be looking at both graphs you've had for homework on Monday.

Grade 7 Math

You must complete any work you did not complete in class today. You were assigned question 1 on page 168. You were also given another graph to complete in class. I will be looking at both graphs you've had for homework on Monday.

Grade 6 Math

You need to finish any work that you did not complete in class today. You were assigned questions 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6 on pages 174/175.

Thursday, March 22

Grade 6, 7 & 8 Math - Graphing

In all the math classes today we collected primary data about the students. For homework, all students are to choose a set of data (from two possibilities) and complete a graph. I explained to each class what type of graph I would like them to use for the data they collected. We have discussed the essential elements of all graphs and they should check to make sure that they have included those in their graph.
If they forgot to take the data sheet home or have lost it, I would suggest that they call/visit/text/Facebook a classmate to get the information.

Everyone's graph is due tomorrow in math class.

Grade 7-8 Curling - April 20th

All grade 7's and 8's will be going curling on April 20th. We will be going over the rules and curling etiquette in class. Students are to complete the permission forms and return them to school with $20 as soon as possible.

REMINDER: If you already paid for the ski trip to Albion Hills, that $20 will be used for your curling. You will only need to return the permission form.

YOU MUST WEAR A HOCKEY OR BICYCLE HELMET TO CURL!!! Please let Ms. Smye or Mr. Marshall know if you have any extra's for those who don't have one.


Tomorrow we will be finishing up the presentations of the Rube Goldberg Devices. Some students have already presented and received their marks. The rest of the students must present tomorrow morning (Language class has been switched with Science class).

This project was completed at school and began two weeks before the March Break. Students were given approximately 10 hrs total to work on these projects. Several students used their time wisely, while others are still not close to being finished. All students will be bringing home a marking sheet with their grade for the project on Friday afternoon. Please share this with your parents.

Grade 8 Graffiti Art

Your graffiti art work is due tomorrow. This will end our Graffiti Unit.

Tuesday, March 20


Due to the beautiful weather, we will be having Phys.ed tomorrow outside instead of health. Please spread the word via facebook, text, phone, email to those who "forget" to check the blog.

Friday, March 9

CO-ED V-Ball Team

There will be practice the first Monday morning back from March Break....7:30am sharp!!

GRADE 8's.....

Things to think about over the March Break....

1. Rube Goldberg Science Projects - You will have one more double science period to work on these projects on the first Monday we are back. Bring any last minute materials to school you think you may need.

2. GRAFFITI ART - You will have one more double art period on Tuesday to finish up all the graffiti art you have left. They are officially due on Friday, March 23rd.

3. LANGUAGE - Your only homework over the March Break is to read at least one of the following; novel, graphic novel, comic book, online article of any sort (more than 200 words), short story, newspaper article (more than 200 words), poetry (enough to add up to approximately 200 words), song lyrics of a song you are not very familiar with (search for lyrics by theme, ie. "love", "determination", "hope", "freedom", "conflict" etc. ). PLEASE BRING THE TEXT YOU READ INTO CLASS on MONDAY, MARCH 19th. We will be doing a short assignment on what you read.

4. Finally....Have a wonderful March Break!!! Be active and safe and have fun!!!

Thursday, March 8

Gr. 7 History - New France Settlers

You are to read the following pages in your textbook:
pg. 4, 'Soldiers' section on pg. 9, 'Jesuit Priests' section on pg. 10, pg. 13-17, pg. 34-39

Use the information from the text to answer these questions.
1. Who came to settle in New France?
2. What reasons did they have for coming to New France?

Wednesday, March 7

Ms. Ricketts students - Excursion Thursday Mar. 8th to Wexford

Students have been given the permission forms for an excursion to Wexford CI. We will watch a variety show performance. We will leave the school at 12:15PM during lunch time so all students must be present at this time.

We will NOT BE GOING TO ALBION HILLS ON FRIDAY, MARCH 9th due to weather conditions.

After March Break we will organize another excursion to replace skiing. All money previously paid for Albion Hills will go toward the Wexford CI and replacement excursion. Any additional funds collected will be refunded back to parents after these 2 excursions.

Thanks for your understanding and have a wonderful March Break!

Commerials for Board Games

Grade 6 and 7 language students are creating commercials for their board games. We have watched many in class and gone over techniques that are used in the making of commercials on TV. Students are ENCOURAGED to bring in items from home that could improve their performance such as: music to play in the background, sound makers, costumes, make-up, props

Final performances of the commercials will take place on Friday, March 9th.

Tuesday, March 6

Grade 7 Spelling List

Thank you to the "Blackwater" novel study group of Thevindi, Anuram and Quinn for the following spelling words:

Star Trek, bramble, thundered, envelope, illustrated, paranoid, policewoman, spatula, generous, ambulance, stitches and enterprise

Welcome Back... Here's Your Spelling List!!

Well we're BACK!!! We had a great experience at Kearney and will be right back into the swing of things this week. Here are the spelling list words for grade 6 students:

Kearney, Inuit games, cross country skiing, gopher, hopper, challenge, physical endurance, snowshoeing, Canadian Shield, wilderness, nocturnal adventure, ecological footprint

Monday, March 5

CO-ED V-Ball Team

Practices will be Monday-Thursday 7:30am-8:30am. Our first tournament is the second week back after the March Break. The exact date will be announced after the M.B.

Grade 8 Language

LOL! Language Unit.....get ready to split a gut!!!

Bring in a photo, object, text (story, joke, article. birthday card etc) or video that makes you laugh!! You are not going to explain why you think it's funny. We are simply going to read/observe your object and comment on it.

Grade 8 Science

The Language periods on Wednedsay have been changed to Science. Bring all the materials you need to build your Rube Goldberg project.