Wednesday, April 25


MONDAY, APRIL 30th is TW Grades 2-6 Track and Field Day!!! Dress appropriately for the weather. Bring water, a hat, sunscreen, sunglasses ect. The grade 8's who are helping out with events first thing Monday morning should arrive to school by 8:20am to help set up the equipment.

Grade 7 & 8 Track and Field Days

Just a reminder that we will be doing Track and Field all afternoon on Thursday (provided it doesn't rain). Dress appropriately for the weather. We will continue with Track and Field next Tuesday afternoon as well.

Grade 8 Science/Language FLIP

Just a reminder that we are switching Friday morning Language classes to Science classes so we can complete the "Effect of Temperature on Viscosity" lab.

Grade 7' and 8 Pottery Friday

Like the title suggests, we have pottery Friday morning for the grade 7's and Friday afternoon for the 8's. So don't miss it!!!

Grade 6 Science

Complete "Electrical Circuits Inquiry" sheet and "Make a Circuit" worksheet for Friday, April 27th. You will be getting your most recent Electricity Quiz back on Friday, April 27th. It must get signed by your parents. I will be checking for signatures next week.

Co-Ed Volleyball

Please return all jersey's and knee pads to Ms. Smye by Friday, April 27th.

Metaphor and working on picture books

Create 1 metaphor (comparison NOT using like or as) to use in your picture book.  Be prepared to share it in class on Friday.

Students MUST be working at home on completing the writing, illustrations and editing their picture books.  We will begin making the actual books which involves sewing the pages and attaching them to cardboard this week.  STUDENTS MUST KNOW HOW MANY PAGES THEIR BOOKS WILL HAVE IN ORDER TO DO THIS.

Tuesday, April 24

Direct quotation punctuation quiz

Grade 6 and 7 students will have a direct quotation punctuation quiz on Thursday, April 26th.  Students have been given examples in class and will have a practice pop quiz this week.  Many of the picture books we are working on include direct quotations and students need to use this form correctly.

Monday, April 23

Grade 8 Language

Your comic is due tomorrow, Tuesday, April 24th.

Spelling List - Gr. 6 and 7

Picture book inspired spelling list...

simile, metaphor, graphic novel, vivid image, literature, main character, peer editing, illustration, publication, direct quotation, adjective, subject and predicate

Friday, April 20

Grade 6 and 7 language

Due Monday, April 23rd. Continue to work on picture book ...

  • Students need to decide on and bring in an example of the artwork that will be used in their picture book.

  • Students need to use the advice given to them from the peer edit session and continue to revise their written work

  • Students need to ADD 2 similes to their written work and be prepared to share them on Monday

Thursday, April 19

Grade 6 Science - GET TEST SIGNED

The students received their Air and Flight final unit test back today. All tests must be signed by a guardian for Tuesday, April 24th.


Get excited grade 7's and 8's!!!! TOMORROW IS CURLING DAY!!!

Don't forget to BRING a pair of CLEAN running shoes in a separate bag. They will not let you on the ice with your outdoor shoes on!!! A HELMET IS A MUST!!!! (bicycle, hockey or ski helmet will do).

Grade 8's must be at school at 8:00am. The bus leaves at 8:15am SHARP! We will be curling from 9:00am-11:00am. You will be back at school by 11:30am so you will be either staying at school or going home for lunch, whatever your regular routine is.

Grade 7's must be ready to board the bus at 11:30am. They will eat their packed lunches on the bus. We are curling from 12:00pm-2:00pm. You will be back at the school by 2:40pm.

Wednesday, April 18

Grade 6 Math - Dice games

Work through the dice game questions that you received on the handout today. You may need someone in your family to play the games with. Keep track of your rolls and scores as you play.

Grade 8 Math

In your textbook read page 462/463 to review the use of tree diagrams. Then answer questions 1, 2, 3 and 6 on pages 463-465.

Grade 7 - History & Math

For history you need to read pages 46 - 52 in your textbook and answer the following questions:
#2 on page 49
#1 and 2 on page 53

For math you have to investigate and answer the following dice game question:
Player A gets five points if they roll a 5 (one roll per turn).
Player B gets ten points if they roll two of the same number in a row (two rolls per turn).
Is this a fair game?

Monday, April 16


All grade 6 and 7 students need to have a PRINTED draft of their picture book for class tomorrow (Tuesday). We will begin peer editing and the printed copy must be available for other students to read.

Gr. 6 & 7 spelling list - Medically inspired in honour of all the great work done by Rachel and Karen

Last week we said good-bye to Rachel and Karen our student nurses. They assisted our students and staff by facilitating very dynamic initiates. Karen and Rachel will be greatly missed. We wish them all the best in their future endeavours! In their honour we have a medically inspired spelling list. Study, study - this week is going to be sick...

arthritis, Alzheimer's disease, dementia, osteoporosis, pneumonia, respiratory system, asthma, pregnancy, cough syrup, cavities, transplant, surgery

Wednesday, April 11

Gr. 8 Math - Probability

Read pages 454 and 455 in your textbook and complete 'Check' questions 1 and 2 on those pages.

Gr. 7 Math - Probability

You began working on questions 1 to 5 on page 409 in the text. Please make sure those questions are all complete for tomorrow.

Tuesday, April 10

Day of Pink - All grades

I forgot to mention this today. Tomorrow, April 11th,  is the International Day of Pink. The official website has this to say:
Day of Pink is the international day against bullying, discrimination, homophobia and transphobia in schools and communities. We invite everyone to celebrate diversity by wearing a pink shirt and by organizing activities in their workplaces, organizations, communities and schools.

The TDSB and Terraview-Willowfield PS support raising the awareness about and the elimination of these problems in our schools. Please support this initiative tomorrow.

What Will You Be Wearing?

Gr. 7 Dance

Just a reminder that we will have an 80 minute Hip Hop class tomorrow with Tall Up and Boneless. Dress comfortably and maybe bring a water bottle.

Spelling Test - Mayhem Brothers Hip-Hop Inspired #2

Here are the spelling words for this week:

musical expression, artistic, African-American, beatboxing, microphone, turntable, social message, scratching, amplifier, album, b-boying, product placement

Wednesday, April 4

1st draft of picture book - grade 6 and 7 language

The completed 1st draft of the picture book is due: Tuesday, Apr. 10th

The draft must include: characters, setting, a problem / conflict, rising action, climax of story and the resolution

Students need to decide on 1st person (told by a character in the story) OR 3rd person (told from the perspective of an outside observer).

Tuesday, April 3

Grade 6 Social Studies Assignment

Influential Native Canadian Fact sheet - Due Wednesday, April 4th

Students will create a power point slide on a person of influence. We have been given computer time this week and will have 3 periods in the lab Wednesday to complete the project.

Monday, April 2

Spelling List - Hip-Hop Dance Mayhem Brothers Inspired

Grade 6 and 7 spelling words:

hip-hop, subculture, devotees, rhythmic, censorship, disc jockey, commercial success, graffiti, dominant culture, phenomenon, synthesizer, vocal percussion