Monday, October 31

Gr. 8 Math - Pizza Math

You and your friends are ordering pizza late one night. The large pizza has a diameter of 40 cm and costs $15.99. The party size pizza is a rectangle measuring 50 cm by 30 cm and costs $21.99. Which pizza is the better deal?

Gr. 6 Math - Constructing Shapes

We constructed a square in class that had an area of 4 square centimeters. For Tuesday's class you must construct another 9 shapes with the same area. You will have ten shapes, including the square, and they must all be different shapes.

Friday, October 28

Grade 8 Science Quiz

You will have another Science Quiz on Friday, November 4th on;

Grade 7 Science QUIZ

You will have a quiz on the WATER and CARBON CYCLE on Monday, Oct 31st. You will need to study page 37 in the textbook in order to be prepared for the quiz.

Tuesday, October 25

Grade 6 Science Project - Arthropod Poster

Your task is to create an orginal Arthropod and a poster to advertise this new species.

Your poster will have the following information on it:
1) the name of your new arthropod (title)
2) a coloured, labelled, neat and organized diagram of your arthropod
3) What does the arthropod eat? What eats the arthropod?
4) What is its habitat?
5) What is its life cycle?
6) What unique adaptation does it have to fight off predators?

*** Don't forget that your arthropod must have a minimum of 2 of the 5 arthropod characteristics (jointed legs, segmented body parts, compound eyes, specialized mouth parts, exoskeleton)

I will be giving you the good copy poster sheet on Friday. In the mean time, start brainstorming ideas and perhaps doing rough copies. You will be given the entire Science class to work on it.

DUE: Tuesday, November 1st, 2011.

For Mrs. K

Please ask Michael for the note I sent home with him yesterday. He was supposed to give it to you on Monday :)

Monday, October 24

Grade 8 Science

You will have a quiz on the mircroscope (parts and function) on THURSDAY, OCT. 27th.

Grade 7 Science

1. Read the Water and Carbon Cycle diagrams on page 37
2. Complete question #1 on page 38
3. Read page 38-39. Pay particular attention to the diagram on page 39 (the yellow/orange arrows)

Grade 8 Art

A few of you still have not handed in the "checkered art". That is due tomorrow.

Also due tomorrow is the 3-D cirlces, shapes and name. These will be collected at the beginning of the period so Mr. Cooper can continue with his art lesson on perspective.

Grade 8 History Test - NEW DATE Friday, Oct. 28th

The grade 8 History test will NOT be on Tuesday, October 25th.
The test WILL BE ON Friday, October 28th.
The test will focus on material we covered in class (handouts and group project). It will cover the topics we learned about in chapters 1 - 3 in our history textbook.

Wednesday, October 19

Grade 6 and 7 Language - Reading Test

By Thursday this week, grade 6 and 7 students will have thoroughly examined summary, main idea and characteristics of non-fiction writing.

There will be a test on these 3 questions from the CASI reading assessment booklets on Friday, October 21st.

Just a Reminder...

Please return your
1) picture proofs....they are now late!!
2) entertainment books

Grade 7 Science Quiz

You will have a quiz on Thursday, Oct 20th on the following topics:
-Food Chains
-Herbivores, Carnivores, Omnivores
-Scavengers, Decomposers
-Primary and Secondary Consumers

You will also need to get your previous quiz signed by a parent (Photosynthesis quiz).

Grade 8 Visual Art

3-D art (circles, shapes and name) are to be completed for next Art class (Tuesday, Oct. 25th)

Grade 7 - 8 Health Homework

(Copy the following definitions down)

Body Image: A person's perception of their body size, shape and attractiveness. It also includes a person's attitude and feeling about their body and how they think others see them.

Self-Esteem: A person's overall evaluation or appraisal of his or her own worth.

Here are the questions you must answer for the next Health class. They will be collected!!!
DUE: Wednesday, Oct 26th

1)What messages do magazines, tv and internet advertisements send to people about body image.
2) Do you believe there really is an "ideal" body type? Explain your thinking.
3) Is it realistic for everyone to try to achieve the look of advertising models?
4) How does the media's perception of body image influence you and your lifestyle choices?

Grade 8 Parents - Highschool Info Night at TW

Just to remind everyone that the Highschool Info Night at TW is taking placing on Thursday, Oct 20th at 6:30pm - 7:30pm. It is important to have someone attend this session, as our guidance counsellor, Mrs. Woolcock, will be presenting very important information and will be able to answer many of your questions.

Sunday, October 16

Grade 8 History - Confederation Advertisment and Unit Test

Grade 8 students will be in the computer lab on Tues. Oct. 18th for time to complete their "Confederation Advertisements". This assignment is due at the beginning of class on Friday Oct. 21st.

The Confederation unit test(Chapters 1 -3 of the textbook) will be on Tuesday, October 25th.

Friday, October 14

A few reminders to a few students...

For those of you who have not yet returned your entertainment books, you must do so by Monday!!! You know who you are!!!

There are a few lovely students in Grade 8 who still owe me (Ms. Smye) $5.25 for the TTC pictures taken last week. I hope to see that money soon...preferrably Monday.

Picture proofs are due back on Tuesday, Oct. 18th. Whether you are ordering some photos or not, the proofs must be returned.


High School Information Night is on THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20th at 6:30pm-7:30pm!!!

Let your parents know that it is very important for someone in your household to attend this meeting. Ms. Willcox, our guidance counsellor, will presenting very important high school information to all those who attend. Don't miss it!

Grade 8 Language and Art

Reading Logs and the 2nd art assignment were due today. A few students handed their work in to me, but I must admit, I did forget to collect them from everyone during language and art today. I will be collecting both items on Monday morning.
Enjoy the extra time to complete them if you haven't done so yet!

Grade 7 Science Homework and Quiz

Complete the back on the "Producers, Consumers and Food Chains" worksheet. You must create 3 different food chains.

Complete questions 3 and 4 on page 28 of textbook.

QUIZ on MONDAY!!!!! Study the photosynthesis and cellular respiration equations. You must know the order of the components and be able to explain what they mean.

Grade 7 - Digital Presentation

Hey everyone,

I just want to remind everybody to come to class Monday with an idea for a topic for their digital presentation using Prezi. I would like everyone to come with a topic and then as a group, decide which topic they will do for their presentation. As a group, you will need to tell Mr. Robertson which topic you have chosen. Thanks and have a great weekend!

Wednesday, October 12

Math Tests

The Grade 6, Grade 7 and Grade 8 students all have math tests tomorrow. They were told in class today what would be covered on their test. You should be able to study just from your notes, however you may also look up the topics in your textbook index and use those questions to supplement your studying.

Grade 8 History

Students to complete note taking worksheet Chapter 2 - "Factors that Drew the BNA Colonies Together".

Test date TBA for Unit # 1 Confederation

Grade 6 and 7 Language - Crossword for magazine

*** Sorry date was posted incorrectly***Grade 6 and 7 students have been given crossword puzzles to complete and will create their own for their magazine.

Students are using the website to create their own crossword puzzles to include in their magazine.

Due: Friday, Oct. 14th

Grade 6 Social Studies Canadian Geography Test

*** Sorry date was posted incorrectly*** Grade 6 students have done a practice test and have been given the information on what to study for their Canada geography test.

Test will be on Friday, October 14th

Friday, October 7


Student photo packages must be returned by Oct. 18th. Even if you do not plan on ordering any pictures, the proofs must still be returned.

Cross Country Meets

Small Change....

The next meet is WEDNESDAY, OCT. 12th at Earl Bales Park and NOT Thursday, Oct. 13th.

We will not be taking a bus and will need a couple of parent volunteer drivers.

Grade 2's and 3's are leaving TW at 9am returning at approximately 11:15am
Grade 6-8's are leaving TW at 11:15am, returning at approximately 2:15pm


If you have not yet returned your entertainment booklets or the money, please do so A.S.A.P!!

The next week at a glance...

Here's what next week looks like....

Monday: OFF!! yippee!

Tuesday (Mr. Cooper, our student teacher, is back for 3 weeks!)
1)Language - Superhuman Feats assignment due (presenting info to class)
2)Math - See Mr. Marshall's blog post for details

1) Cross-country conference finals 11:15am - 2:15pm. Good luck Matthew, Rachelle and Danum!
2) You will have work periods during period 4 and 8 to work on the following:
-completing art assignment (due Oct 13th)
-reading logs (due Oct 14th)
-Science pg 20-21 "Check Your Progress" #1-7 (due Oct 13th)
-French Family Tree (due Oct. 17th)
-French Description of Famous Person (due Oct. 13th)

1) Art assignment due
2) Science work due

1)Reading Logs due

I hope this helps everyone to manage their time better over the next week. Have a great long weekend!!!

Gr. 6 Math - Ordering Fractions

Students must put the following fractions in order from least to greatest:
1   1   2   2   3    4     4    5   5   5  
2   4   3   7   5   12   10   6   9   8

They are encouraged to use their fraction strips to complete this question.

8 Language - Superhuman Feats!!

What is a "superhuman feat"? It is a task completed by a human that required extensive training of the mind and/or body and seems impossible or unbelievable to the average human.

Research a person who has demonstrated a superhuman feat and answer the following questions:
Who? What? Where? Why? When? How?
Also, have the websites listed where you found the info.

You will present your information to the class on Tuesday. Be Prepared!!!

Grade 6 Science

Over the long weekend, you are expected to collect a variety of fallen leaves in your yard/neighbourhood. We will be doing a classifying activity on Tuesday in Science.

Thursday, October 6

Gr. 8 Science - Organ System Test

Your organ systems test is tomorrow (that's Friday) during periods 7 and 8. Material is on pages 8 to 12 in the text. Study!

Gr. 8 Math - Scientific Notation

You must complete questions 1, 3, 4, 5, 9, 10 and 13 on pages 21 and 22 of the textbook.

TTC Student Cards

The TTC will be here tomorrow to take photos for TTC Student I.D. cards. If you use the TTC on a regular basis, you should consider getting a card.

The card costs $5.25 and students should bring exact change.

If a student will be 13 or older AT ANY POINT during this school year, they should get a TTC card. Without the card, a student may be expected to pay full adult fare.

Gr. 6 Country of the Month / Gr. 7 Magazine article of choice

Grade 6 students - Country of the Month magazine article

Students have a blue coloured photocopy that outlines all information and features that are to be included in their 2 page country of the month

Grade 7 students - Article / Feature

Grade 7 students examined magazines to find articles / feature that are included. The have been asked to create an entry of their own. Ex. puzzles, poems, contests

Due: Tuesday, October 11th

Sunday, October 2

Gr. 7 Geography - Mapping Skills

Students were asked to complete the work on pages 12 and 13 in the textbook, including questions 1, 2, 3 and 4 (parts a, b, and c). They will be given time to finish it off and make it suitable for handing in on Monday.