Tuesday, October 25

Grade 6 Science Project - Arthropod Poster

Your task is to create an orginal Arthropod and a poster to advertise this new species.

Your poster will have the following information on it:
1) the name of your new arthropod (title)
2) a coloured, labelled, neat and organized diagram of your arthropod
3) What does the arthropod eat? What eats the arthropod?
4) What is its habitat?
5) What is its life cycle?
6) What unique adaptation does it have to fight off predators?

*** Don't forget that your arthropod must have a minimum of 2 of the 5 arthropod characteristics (jointed legs, segmented body parts, compound eyes, specialized mouth parts, exoskeleton)

I will be giving you the good copy poster sheet on Friday. In the mean time, start brainstorming ideas and perhaps doing rough copies. You will be given the entire Science class to work on it.

DUE: Tuesday, November 1st, 2011.

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